The A. D. D. , the (ALMOST) DAILY DOWNLOAD, is a Transmission of Information from Robin's Trans-Dimensional Self (Rahim/Gaia), Robin, and/or Joseph.
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Sunday, October 24, 2010

How do we recognize when we have taken on an Entity, Possession, or Spirit Helper?

Rahim/Gaia notes that when we attract an entity of possession, it is a co-creation of the personality with the soul.   We are currently being actively "numbed and dumbed down" on this planet by the "Controllers".  How might you know you've got an entity?  Look at your reflections and relationships: what and whom do you attract?  Look for:  behavioral changes; memory loss; diagnoses of multiple personality disorder, bipolar disorder, or borderline personality disorder - maybe even ADHD.  Entities are protectors who enter when we (consciously or unconsciously) call for them and stay until we don't need them. 


  1. I am fascinated by this information. It is certainly different from what I have learned about entities in the past. My question is; is it possible to consciously communicate with the entities that we have unconsciously called?

  2. The simple answer is... it depends. Understand that when we request assistance from the Universe, it responds, and it responds in the most efficient manner, giving us just what we need. An entity may have consciousness and be able to communicate with us, or it may have a completely different type of consciousness, making communication impossible. Or it may have a very limited amount of consciousness - just necessary to do the job. We are able to shift out of our need for particular entities when we reach a state of maturity that no longer requires their assistance. Then we ask them to leave, sometimes requesting helpers to allow them to exit our bodies/fields. We thank them for helping us and bless them on their way to future assignments and evolution. We're all evolving and are in this together after all. BTW, if you realize you have an entity, you're way beyond where most folks operate anyway, so try to communicate and see what happens! Just realize that, obnoxious as they may seem, they're there to ultimately help you (at your request).
