The A. D. D. , the (ALMOST) DAILY DOWNLOAD, is a Transmission of Information from Robin's Trans-Dimensional Self (Rahim/Gaia), Robin, and/or Joseph.
Use the comment area to remark or ask questions that will generate future discussions.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Structures of Form Transform as Structures of Spirit Shift

Another auspicious date: 1/11/11, all you fans of such things!  As foretold by many prophets, indigenous races, and seers, we are in a completely transformational period in our evolution.  Rahim/Gaia addresses the shifting of internal and external structures as the affect our reality.  Elements touched upon are: Spirit in Form is Form in Spirit; thoughtforms, vows, contracts, belief systems, and karmic bindings; creating our own realities; structures of Spirit are transforming; form responds to energy; transmuting of inherited ancestor DNA patterns; how souls are affected by our personalities; mind control; male/female union; revenge; war - with and without; healing disease and inherited genetic patterns; and rejuvenation of our bodies.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Why the Old Structures are Falling Now

In this dialog, Rahim/Gaia talks about how the alteration of our internal structures affects the outer world.  Topics include: we want to know who we really are; are we equal to God?; galactic infiltration of humans; hybridding of the human race over time; structures of slavery; mind control; safety; intuition; disconnection from our Will; making life-sustaining choices; environmentalists; planetary controls; healing the oppression within; and using our emotions, especially rage, to heal ourselves.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What's in store for 2011?

We're all interested in what may happen, yet realize that the future is flexible.  Rahim/Gaia exposes some of the emotional and energetic possibilities for the upcoming times based on her unique perspective.  Discussed are:  the potential for internal and external wars to end; masculine not needing to dominate any more; DNA; dimensional hierarchy; shifting the structures of the thinking processes; our guides not "working" in the same way as before; organizations of consciousness; polarity shifts in the magnetic and electric; identities in form; Mother Earth in transformation and flux; systems: family, economic, internal, and governmental; sources and perceptions of safety redefined; love and acceptance as the essence of security; love for self; and the dangers of defining safety as something outside of self.