The A. D. D. , the (ALMOST) DAILY DOWNLOAD, is a Transmission of Information from Robin's Trans-Dimensional Self (Rahim/Gaia), Robin, and/or Joseph.
Use the comment area to remark or ask questions that will generate future discussions.

Friday, October 29, 2010

In the New Paradigm, how are our Finances affected? The Laws of Abundance - Part 3

Further dialog from Rahim/Gaia on feeling financially secure in the present day, concentrating on the numerous laws of abundance.  There is no limitation - we only believe there is.  See how praise, gratitude, and love are powerful creators of supply.  Understand how to command personal value and celebrate your work to create abundance.  Money is an energy exchange - an expression of our love.  Imagine/feel yourself as you want to be and you will create that reality.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

In the New Paradigm, how are our Finances affected? Part 2

Further information from Rahim/Gaia on manifesting wealth in these uncertain times.  What are the laws of manifestation?  How do we break free of cultural/hierarchical conditioning?  What are the direct effects of judgment, sacrifice, criticism, resentment, anger, and blame on our ability to create money?  How may anger serve us?  Also talked about are: employment; the body as a metaphor of Mother Earth; individual needs for expression in the workplace; the need to end eons-long conditioning; how to find safety and support on the planet; what really creates abundance?; self-love; intention and magnetics to create what we want;  the nature of supply; and the power of gratitude.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In the New Paradigm, how are our Finances affected?

Rahim/Gaia embarks on a discussion of the financial and economic impacts on us that the energies on the planet are producing.  Mentioned are:  love of self (true sovereignty), barter, giving energy = receiving energy (a law of abundance), western culture, how we've been manipulated to believe money is our source of value and power, fear, victim consciousness, and the terror of lack.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How do we recognize when we have taken on an Entity, Possession, or Spirit Helper?

Rahim/Gaia notes that when we attract an entity of possession, it is a co-creation of the personality with the soul.   We are currently being actively "numbed and dumbed down" on this planet by the "Controllers".  How might you know you've got an entity?  Look at your reflections and relationships: what and whom do you attract?  Look for:  behavioral changes; memory loss; diagnoses of multiple personality disorder, bipolar disorder, or borderline personality disorder - maybe even ADHD.  Entities are protectors who enter when we (consciously or unconsciously) call for them and stay until we don't need them. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Entities, Possessions, and Spirit Helpers

This dialog with Rahim/Gaia addresses the often misunderstood area of spirit helpers.  We are shown many ways they manifest in our bodies, we understand and recognize their benefit, and note techniques to work with them.  Some topics discussed are:  indigenous cultures; thoughtforms and consciousness patterns in service to an individual's intention; how the Universe always responds to a plea for assistance; when the soul leaves the body, it's usually a call for help; addictions; sexual trauma; past lives; perpetrator/victimizer selves; possessions; ancestral fragments; the desire to be free will clear entities; and some of the various types of entities that people attract.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Techniques for Working with Denied Emotions

Rahim/Gaia discusses how to deal with denial and how we find out who we really are underneath it all.  Many topics are covered including:  meditation; moving emotions; dancing and sounding; embracing emotions for learning; opening the lower chakras; willingness as the key to beginning to bust emotion; breathwork; addictions; the power of working in group; expressive art therapy; indigenous people; kundalini yoga; tai chi; and the need for balance and calming.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Denied Emotions

In this discussion, Rahim/Gaia looks at the reasons why denying emotions is so harmful to our bodies and to our evolution.  Discussed are:  abandonment; withdrawal; evolution of human consciousness; polarization of mind over emotional body; bringing unity to human awareness; religious and cultural overlays; the emotional body as the doorway to knowing what our needs are; and how we attract what we deny.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why is it so important to be in a body now?

Rahim/Gaia is passionate about how being on Earth in human form is potentially the ultimate experience.  When we learn to communicate with form, we open to its full potential.  Be fully engaged with the emotional body as the female is rising to heal.  The body is the doorway to dimensions, the way to experience divinity.  Be careful of diversion/distraction from being fully human.  Is being human less than any other state?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Inner Earth

This is a fascinating discussion regarding the validity of the "Hollow Earth" including talk of the Ancient Ones; human divinity, emotional connection of the Inner Earth's inhabitants; the seduction of human beings through diversion; the human heart as a multidimensional portal to all truth; how the Inner Earth Beings have witnessed and sometimes intervened in the Outer (surface) World developments; and how the Inner inhabitants may assist awakening humanity through frequency downloads, DNA and inherited pattern activations and clearings, and support of human visioning.  At the very end, there is an invocation to one's soul - a request for the Beings of Inner Earth to support us through direct and telepathic communication to be who we truly are as we journey toward peace, balance, and the 5th Dimension.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Christ Consciousness in Form

Here is a dialog regarding about the origins of the Christ - It is embodied in every human heart; Its intention is to create a balance, harmony, and peace between the Mother and the Father internally and externally.  The Christ Consciousness is evolving out of self-sacrifice.  Form is healing Spirit.  Also mentioned are:  the gift of the human body; tantra; ecstatic love; ascension; and feminine healing.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Origins of Humanity on Earth

Rahim/Gaia gives a brief outline of the consciousness and intentions that brought human life to Earth (or Gaia or Tara as She has been known previously).  Discussed are:  Earth's longing for playmates; all dimensions and DNA types embodied on Earth; Earth as a living, sentient being; the role of Christ Consciousness; the desire of God to experience Itself; and the Ancient Ones who hold the secrets of the human experience.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What are our Human Roots: Galactic, Angelic, or Devic?

This chat entails ways that we might determine our "other-worldly" origins.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Human Body as a Gift for Evolution

Rahim/Gaia enjoys a lengthy dialog about the human body, touching upon the subjects of the orgasm of Mother/Father God; evolution of souls through human form; multidimensional beings; other lifetimes; angelic, galactic, and devic origins of humans; the human body as the best biofeedback system for the integration of male, female, & Christ consciousness; and the soul's purpose represented and reflected in form.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Law of Attraction - Further Discussion

Here's more information on the "Law of Attraction" - the need for gratitude, principles of thought and intention, embodying that which we wish, and mind and emotional "sets" to bring to us exactly what we want.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Law of Attraction

Rahim/Gaia divulges some wisdom on a popular topic these days, the so-called "Law of Attraction" - another spin on the ways we create our reality.  But can we actually love what we create, no matter what it is or how it turns out and what is the advantage of loving what we create?

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today is 10-10-10 - very auspicious!  This recording is a guide by Rahim/Gaia for understanding of the Dimensions in our Universe.  Areas covered include the Heart as a Doorway to many Universes; Humans as Divine; Accepting the Wisdom of the Soul; Allowing the Heart to access to Power of Love in Creation; Visiting other Worlds; and how the Soul vibrates Intelligence.  Of course, there's always a lot more!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Why this Particular Time on Earth is so Powerful

Rahim/Gaia explores the importance of our present time, what some call the "End of Days", the emergence into the "Fifth World", or the end of the Mayan Calendar.  Topics include the Unified Field of Creation among all Species of Beings; all Polarities of God; Ascension; the Human as Divine; Galactic/Human interface; and God evolving through human Consciousness.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Karmic Agreements

Rahim/Gaia talks of the definition of "karmic agreements"; patterns of enabling, co-dependency, and rescuing; "saving the Earth"; relationship agreements that no longer work; the power of choice and human will; not sacrificing for love (or anything, for that matter); compromises we have made for love; and more.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How Consciousness Creates Outcome, Part 2 of 2

Here's the second part of this intricate and complicated discussion about the power of consciousness to create.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How Consciousness Creates Outcome, Part 1 of 2

This Rahim/Gaia dialog deals with the power of consciousness in creation, Mother/Father God separation as reflected in Humanity, Galactic Wars on Earth, How the Soul's Identity is formed, The Gift of Humanity, Freedom of Choice, and other topics.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Group Consciousness vs. Individual Work, Part 2 of 2

This further dialog with Rahim/Gaia, among other items, deals with the effects of group work on a more widespread, even global, arena.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Group Consciousness vs. Individual Work, Part 1 of 2

Rahim/Gaia looks at why people are finding that creation in groups is more powerful than creating alone.  She discusses the co-creative process, love vs. control, the Ascension journey, and other factors.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Death and Dying Journey

In the wake of our dear friend's recent passing, this download from Rahim/Gaia is even more poignant and powerful.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Nature of the Soul

Rahim/Gaia addresses the definitions of various terms, such as the Soul, as a projection of Human Consciousness.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Our friend Britta passed away today at 4:00PM Mountain Time in Santa Fe. Our 10 year old daughter, Myriah, immediately wrote the following in her diary and she allowed us to post it:
"Today Britta died.  She was a great friend to everyone.  She made me laugh and cry.  If I listen very hard, I can still hear her voice.  I remember looking up at her beautiful face.  She died of cancer.  The last time I saw her was at my birthday party.  On the card she gave me, it said I love you.
Britta's gone."
We send our love to you, dear friend, on your amazing journey - galactic visitor, fellow Council Member, beautiful being.

Service to Self or Other

Rahim/Gaia addresses the perceived conflict between these two concepts:  Is one better than the other?